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Have you ever had a dream that came true, but you didn’t know why or how you were able to manifest it?
Wouldn’t it be helpful to know some of the reasons behind your subconscious messages and dreams?
As we travel through the journey of life, we encounter periods when we feel stuck, blocked, or confused. It is during these times when it would be helpful to have assistance from beyond our normal sensory perceptions. That’s where a Psychic can help.
When you are unsure about what path to take in life, whether in relationships, health, wealth, happiness, career etc., it would be beneficial to seek guidance from a Psychic, like Soodie, who can help you see the various possibilities.
She can read your energy (and what you are putting out into the Universe) at your current emotional state. She has the ability to help advise you on some suggested action steps to take in order to create the outcome you are currently in the process of creating, OR to help you change your energy so that you can create something more desirable.
Soodie has the gift to translate the dreams of your past to the present and future. She has ability to see the current state of energy you are attracting such as love, hate, health, wealth interferences ect. and help you become aware of those energies so you can choose to focus your thoughts and emotions on your desired outcome. Wouldn’t it be nice to know what you are currently drawing into your experience and how to change so you can get the results you want?
Soodie has the ability of Clairvoyance. She can see into the past, present, and future.
Soodie also has a Psychometric ability. She can read from picture or objects.
She can help with LOVE , MARRIAGE and BUSINESS.
CALL NOW or EMAIL her to request a reading.
Types of Readings:
Clairvoyant: Speak with her over the phone for an intuitive reading
Psychometric: Send your photo or your loved-ones’ photo to receive a reading
Tealeaf: Your tealeaf residue for a reading of your past and future
The future is unwritten. YOU create your reality through your thoughts and what you give attention to….”Energy flows where your attention goes.”
Through her psychic abilities, Soodie can help you identify where you are at in life, shed light on what you are attracting at your current state, and help guide you to make better choices on what to focus your attention on so you can live the life of your dreams.
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For questions or requests for customized readings, please send me a message. I will get back to you soon.
By Appointment
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